SUNDAY APRIL 13th at Exeter Arena
The Great West Open – Ken Trickey Memorial is an early season open event for athletes across the South West, organised by Exeter Harriers, for the U11 age group and upwards.
All children over 8 years old are actively encouraged to compete: it does not matter what standard they are and help will be given by the officials so they know what to do.
Programme - click here
Entry Form - click here
Late entries will not be accepted, the closing date is Thursday 10 April 2025 at midnight. You may amend your entry provided you do this before the closing time.
See the entry form for detailed information.
At Exeter Arena
Entry Form - click here
Please take care to make sure that the athlete name is correct before submission, autofill on your browser will try to put a parent's name in! All children over 8 years old are actively encouraged to compete: it does not matter what standard they are and help will be given by the officials so they know what to do.
(Note - no training on these evenings)
GDPR. See Terms and Conditions
All athletes must assent to the appropriate Code of Conduct, and to the England Athletics Anti-doping statement.
Volunteers We rely on volunteer help to ensure events can run smoothly. If you can help to support our qualified officials, and would be willing to do tasks such as; raking a sandpit, pulling a tape through to measure a long-jump or adjusting the high jump bar, please email
If you would like to train as qualified Official, please see Volunteering and contact us. Thank you in anticipation
Photography: These are public events; therefore, it is not possible to prevent photographs of any particular individual from appearing in the media. If this is a problem for you, you are advised not to take part.